Very alkaline foaming product for removing heavy dirt.
Means of application:
It is used with a foam generator, in a 3-5% solution. With foam generators working only with pressurized water, use warm water (50°C - 60°C) if possible. Foam generators working on compressed air work with cold water. Contact time is between 15 and 20 minutes. After the contact time has passed, rinse the surfaces with water. With heavier tar and resin layers repeat the washing operation.
Area of application:
It can be used for washing all kinds of surfaces, except aluminium and zinc.
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

Acidic foamy agent for washing and removing scale from floors, walls and equipment.
Means of application:
It is used with a foam generator, in a 3-5% solution. With foam generators working only with pressurized water, use warm water (50°C - 60°C) if possible. Foam generators working on compressed air work with cold water. Contact time is between 15 and 20 minutes.
Area of use:
Used for regular sanitation of all surfaces, except zinc.
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

Mild alcaline foaming agent for washing and disinfection
An excellent foaming agent for daily washing and disinfection of filling machines in alcohol and soft beverage industry. In meat and dairy industry, in can be used for washing and disinfection of desks, floors and equipment.
It is used with a foam generator. Disinfection is based on active chlorine.
The product is used with cold water, in a 3-5% solution and exposition time of 10-15 minutes. After washing, thoroughly wash the surfaces with bacteriologically clean water.
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

A neutral foaming combined agent for washing and disinfection.
It is used with a foam generator, in a 3-5% solution. With foam generators working only with pressurized water, use warm water (50°C - 60°C) if possible. Foam generators working on compressed air work with cold water. Contact time is between 15 and 20 minutes. Disinfection is based on bensalconium-chloride as a disinfecting component which, in combination with nonionic surfactants has very strong bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects.
Do not mix „Dezipen“with other washing agents.
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

A product for removing scales and corrosion from ceramic and chromed surfaces.
Contents and purpose of the product:
„Lactochem SK“ is a liquid, acidic product, based on mineral acids and surfactants.
Application method:
It is used for hand cleaning of ceramic and chromed surfaces and removal of scales and corrosion traces. The product is applied with a sponge or brushes, left for 10 minutes and then rinsed with fresh water. If needed, repeat the process. Use protective work equipment for acids (rubber gloves).
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

Hemo Uni
A universal product for washing and cleaning all kinds of solid surfaces.
„Hemo Uni“ is a powdery, medium-alkaline product based on inorganic salts and anionic surface active agents. It is easily soluble in water, creating cloudy-white, foamy solutions.
Place of application:
Working under the recommended circumstances, „Hemo Uni“ will efficiently degrease floors, desks and slaughter industry equipment parts, and is very efficient in dairies, large restaurants, hospitals and hotels as well.
Application methods:
„Hemo Uni“ is used for hand and machine washing.
With hand washing, the recommended work temperature lies between 45°C and 50°C and the recommended concentration is 2-3%.
With pressurised washing, a 75°C-80°C and a concentration of 1% should be used.
After washing, rinsing with warm water is recommended.
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.
tečno sredstvo za pranje diskontinualnih i kontinualnih bućkalica za maslac
Sastav i namena sredstva:
"Lactochem BM" je tečno neutralno sredstvo na bazi površinski aktivnih materija i organskih seljuestrena.
Način primene i delovanje:
Sredstvo razvija izuzetno jaku penu koja dostiže do svih delova bućkalice, odvaja i emulguje masnoće pri čemu se visina pene smanjuje.
Naglo smanjivanje pene ukazuje na visok sadržaj masnih ostataka, pa se postupak pranja može ponoviti.
Okvirna koncentracija je od 1 - do 3 % "Lactochem- a BM", a vreme delovanja zavisi od količine zaostalih masnoća i kreće se od 10 do 30 minuta.
Predložen način rada je dat kao prosečan i odgovara našim najboljim saznanjima. Kod pojedinih korisnika se mogu javiti odstupanja od navedenih vrednosti što je posledica specifičnih uslova i načina rada!
Sredstvo za pranje gajbi za mleko i kiselomlečne napitke
Sastav i namena sredstva:
"Lactochem G" je praškasto, alkalno sredstvo na bazi neorganskih soli i površinski aktivnih materija.
Način primene i delovanje:
Sredstvo razvija kontrolisanu penu što omogućuje njegovu primenu u mašinama za pranje gajbi špricanjem.
Preporučuje se radna koncentracija od 1-2 % i temp. od 60 - 70 °C
Vreme delovanja zavisi od radnog takta peračice za gajbice.
Predložen način rada je dat kao prosečan i odgovara našim najboljim saznanjima. Kod pojedinih korisnika se mogu javiti odstupanja od navedenih vrednosti što je posledica specifičnih uslova i načina rada!