Hemo Uni
A universal product for washing and cleaning all kinds of solid surfaces.
„Hemo Uni“ is a powdery, medium-alkaline product based on inorganic salts and anionic surface active agents. It is easily soluble in water, creating cloudy-white, foamy solutions.
Place of application:
Working under the recommended circumstances, „Hemo Uni“ will efficiently degrease floors, desks and slaughter industry equipment parts, and is very efficient in dairies, large restaurants, hospitals and hotels as well.
Application methods:
„Hemo Uni“ is used for hand and machine washing.
With hand washing, the recommended work temperature lies between 45°C and 50°C and the recommended concentration is 2-3%.
With pressurised washing, a 75°C-80°C and a concentration of 1% should be used.
After washing, rinsing with warm water is recommended.
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

Neutral PPD
Product for floor washing and disinfection
A mild alkaline agent based on a combintion of anionic and nonionic tensides. The bactericidal component is active chlorine. It is used in a 3-5% solution. After washing, rinse the surfaces with fresh water and dry with floor mops.
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

A product for removing scales and corrosion from ceramic and chromed surfaces.
Contents and purpose of the product:
„Lactochem SK“ is a liquid, acidic product, based on mineral acids and surfactants.
Application method:
It is used for hand cleaning of ceramic and chromed surfaces and removal of scales and corrosion traces. The product is applied with a sponge or brushes, left for 10 minutes and then rinsed with fresh water. If needed, repeat the process. Use protective work equipment for acids (rubber gloves).
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

Hemo 88
A product for washing atmos chambers, grills, aspirators, dishes, ovens and other heavily greased surfaces.
Hemo 88 is a powdery, very alcaline product based on inorganic salts and surface active agents. Easily and completely soluble in water (an exotermal reaction), creating cloudy, milky-white solutions.
The product contains potassium hydroxide (NaOH), which requires certain rules which must be followed during use. The product's structure and properties are extremely well adapted to very strict requirements of slaughter industry, regarding efficiency in removing heavy dirt in atmos chambers (resin, tar) and floors (rubber wheels prints on the floor tiles, especially on the sections for forklift movement).
It also shows extremely high efficiency in large kitchens, bakeries and other places where heavy dirt or burned organic remains may appear.
Besides steel and prochrome surfaces, „HEMO 88“ successfully cleans ceramic and concrete surfaces as well. When washing aluminum trays, the surface might lose its shine.
Application methods:
For washing atmos chambers, the work concentration is 3%, and the solution temperature – at least 50°C. When washing grills, aspirators, burned remains on dishes, ovens etc., a 5% solution heated to 60-70°C should be used. When it comes to this kind of washing, time of effect is of great importance. Whenever possible, disassemble the grill parts and submerge them into the hot solution. Leave it for several hours (during the night, for example) and then remove the dirt separately. Aspirators and ovens should be sprayed with a 5% solution and left over the night. With hand washing, protective equipment must be used: goggles, rubber gloves, apron and boots.
Storage methods
„Hemo 88“ is ought to be storaged in cold and dry places meant for keeping hazardous chemicals, according to the Safety list.
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

Product for washing very dirty surfaces – both by hand and using devices for pressurised washing.
Structure and purpose of the product:
„Hemo 88L“ is a liquid, very alkaline agent based on inorganic salts and surface active agents. Easily and completely soluble in water. The agent contains potassium hydroxide (NaOH) and thus is classified as a hazardous chemical. The structure and properties of „Hemo 88L“ are extremely well adapted to very strict requirements of slaughter industry, regarding efficiency in removing heavy dirt in atmos chambers (resin, tar) and floors (rubber wheels prints on the floor tiles, especially on the sections for forklift movement).
It is a very effective for machine washing of sticks for meat hanging on smoking trolleys.Besides steel and prochrome surfaces, „HEMO 88“ successfully cleans ceramic and concrete surfaces as well. It might cause blurriness if used on aluminum surfaces.
Preparation methods:
It is recommended to use a washing mashine (???) (80-90 °C and at least 50bar of pressure, with the concentration at the nozzle around 1%)
With hand washing, the working concentration is 3%, and the temperature of the solution at least 50°C. Use of protective equipment is obligatory: goggles, rubber gloves, apron and boots.
Means of containment:
„Hemo 88L“ is ought to be storaged in cold and dry places meant for keeping hazardous chemicals, according to the Safety list.
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

Hemo LD
Product for machine washing of pails in meat and dairy industry.
The product is based on NaOH (min. 35%) with an addition of organic sequestrens. It is used according to the instructions by the manufacturer of the washing machine.