Hemo DF
A product for hand washing and disinfection
Ingredients and properties:
A combination of surfactants which, with a disinfecting component – alkil-dimethyl-benzil-ammonium- chloride act synergically and enable a triple purpose of the product:
- Efficient hand washing
- Successful disinfection
- Hand care, so that even when used frequently, the product not only does not dry out the skin, but makes it supple and elastic. It also helps wounds and other skin damage heal faster.
Area of use:
Anywhere frequent hand washing and disinfection are required, especially in healthcare, veterinary and food industry machinery. Given its exceptional efficiency, it has found its use in hospitality industry, public facilities and households as well.
Application method
For ordinary hand washing and disinfection, 2-3 ml of the product, rubbed in on wet hands for 3-4 minutes, would suffice. Repeat the process in case of extremely greasy skin.
For surgical disinfection, repeat the washing process 2-3 times using a sterile brush for nails and cuticles. It is also suggested to, after washing, rub a 1% solution of „Polisol R“ or „Alkoderm“ in the skin and leave it on for 5-10 minutes.
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

A modern product based on alcohol and selected quaternaries for prolonged disinfection of hand skin.
It is applied in amounts of 2-3ml and rubbed in on the hand skin. It enables complete disinfection and skin care and prevents a possible reinfection. The most efficient way to apply the product
is via a sensor dispenser.

Sredstvo za dezinfekciju ruku
"Polisol R®" je kompleksan dezificijens snažnog baktericidnog i fungicidnog delovanja, tako da se vrlo široko upotrebljava u zdravstvu, prehrambenoj industriji, veterini, trgovini, turizmu i u svakodnevnom životu.
Deluje na gram-pozitivne i gram-negativne bakterije, a kao katjonsko sredstvo nikako se ne sme mešati sa anjonskim tenzidima i deterdžentima.
Dezinfekcija ruku:
Posle temeljnog pranja sapunom ruke se isperu vodom, a zatim kvase 1%-tnim rastvorom "Polisola R®" 5-10 minuta. Za brzu dezinfekciju na terenu, ruke se mogu dezinfikovati nerazređenim sredstvom u trajanju od 1- 2 minuta.

Liquid soap
A modernly concieved liquid soap for frequent washing in healthcare and industry. A combination of anionic and non-ionic tensides efficiently removes dirt and special supplements protect hand skin from drying up.
Mild towards the skin, but energetic against dirt!

A product for general sanitation and disinfection of water.
100g of the granulate contains 99g Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate
Physical and chemical characteristics:
White granules of a specific scent similar to that of chlorine, easily and completely dissolvable in water, with an extremely high bactericidal effect on bacteries, fungi, algae and certain types of viruses.
1. General sanitation in public institutions, food industry, healthcare, veterinary, individual households, farms etc.
a) Working concentration:
For regular sanitation or disinfection of surfaces, a water solution of „Hemosept“, prepared just before use, should be used. It is enough to dissolve 2g of „Hemosept“ per 10l of water, which can release active chlorine in concentration of around 100 mg/l. Thusly prepared solution is usable for the next 6-8 hours. In the situation of extremely exacerbated hygienic conditionse (epidemic, natural disasters), for disinfection of earthen floors in animal facilities, disinfection of faeces and preparation of disinfecting barriers, the concentration should be doubled (4g/10l).
b) Working time
Depending on the contamination degree of the surface, the needed effect time varies from 3 minutes to 2 hours.
In the case of extreme contamination – repeat the disinfection procedure.
2. Disinfection of water in pools
It is performed with consultations with experts from our company.
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.

A modern product based on alcohol and selected quaternaries for prolonged disinfection of hand skin.
Liquid form of this disinfectant enables application by spraying in automated disinfecting stations.

Product for shoe disinfection
Place of application:
Automated disinfection stations or separate devices for cleaning and disinfection of boots. Disinfection stations are placed at the entrance of a technologically important section of manufacture, or at the entrance of the manufacturing hall.
They represent a set of devices which disinfect footwear (boots), a hand disinfection part and a three-section ramp which enables passage only when both disinfection processes are done.
„Polisol D“ is used with stations with a submerging lattice and with models with rotating brushes as well.
Recommended working concentration is 1.5-2% of „Polisol D“.
The suggested work method is given as an average one and according to our best knowledge. With certain users, deviations from the specified values may appear, which is a consequence of different circumstances and means of work.